No doubt the experience of multimedia technology is a new one for me. I have viewed many YouTube videos in awe of the bad and creative. I have heard numerous podcasts, but until this course, I have never created my own. As I reflect on the learning process, I review the collaboration that our team had to use. We had to move past simple cooperation.
It seemed easy at first when we passed out job duties and discussed the beginnings of a vision. Immediately three of us stood up and took a form of leadership role. Lucinda created a team wiki so that we could post and share files and other information. Christine immediately began creating a shot list, and I took over as director and screenwriter. Jose added images from his work in Mexico classrooms to our collection of media, and Lamar certainly acted as the creative backbone to the group by completing the final video. Elements from each of us can be found in the video, but I think that ultimately the video represents the students we teach.
Our group decided during our second week of team work, that each of us would create our own version of the public service announcement, then vote on whose would represent the group. Let me tell you that in my opinion everyone did a great job, but Lamar took the script and the story, and made it magical. Posted above you will see the final team product, but below you can see my good, but not as good version. You can see all our group member's versions on our team wiki.
The only thing I found that I truly struggled with was the wait time. While some in our group seemed particularly interested in moving quickly through the assignment, there were some who seemed to push the deadlines the group set. We faced trials due to communication, though we all ended up with Skype for conferencing together in the end. Group members, including myself, ended up sick at some point forcing minor delays, but delays just the same. Although, our team worked well together, I know some of us feel we did much more than others.
A little about the story:
When Lucinda, Christine, and I net at our first Skype call, we immediately leaned toward a story about the needs of 21st century learners. Of course the first video that came to mind is one that most of us in the world of technology education are familiar with "A Vision of K-12 Students Today". We liked the overall idea of the video and the message it sends, but we had to limit our video to a 30-60 second bit. We also knew that there were elements that we needed in our video that were not a part of the vision video. I joked about how my classroom at school is a technology desert. I have a TV, a projector (old school style), a computer projector, and a teacher only desktop computer. I also pointed out that I had the opportunity to teach and see teachers teach who have a classroom oasis (Clickers, Interactive Whiteboards, Laptops, etc). Lucinda and Christine discussed their experiences too, and we decided to utilize the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology as our video base. We like the imagery that could be created with the desert versus the oasis.
As I finalize my reflection, I feel that we did our job. I hope that will it does not have a call to action line in the script, that the story, the imagery, the students, will send our audience to action to make all classrooms and oasis of technology!